
Liniment lightens lameness

OK, that may be a slight exaggeration. (But it fits L-Day for the A-Z Blogging Challenge.)

Liniment frequently can make a sore horse more comfortable. And it surely soothes an active equine after a strenuous workout.

Here are a few liniments we like:

Usually, we pour a little liniment into a bucket of water and sponge it onto the horse. Some horse folks prefer to use liniment creams, liniment gels ,or liniment sprays.

It’s important, of course, to avoid getting liniment into humans’ or horses’ eyes, noses, mouths, or other sensitive spots. But for muscles and meaty spots, liniment can be lovely.

The Mane Point: A Haven for Horse Lovers is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the listing. I love that you treat those horses so well. :)

    Random Musings from the KristenHead — L is for 'Longmire' and 'Lost' (and Loddy)
