
eXperts criss-cross leg straps on horse wear.

Ever see a horse get tangled in a blanket, show sheet or fly sheet? It’s not a pretty sight.

Leg straps can help prevent this. Sure, horses can still find ways to twist up their apparel, but it’s not quite as likely with properly fitting leg straps.

Plenty of savvy horse owners criss-cross these stretchy straps under their horses’ tails for added security.

Most leg straps are made of elastic webbing with snap clips attached. Usually, they are easily adjustable, and some even come in a variety of sizes (such as small, medium, and large).

It’s important to make sure these straps fit the horse well, so they do not hang down and potentially become tripping or catching loops for the horse’s legs.

Horse blanket leg straps are pretty simple to make, if you know anything about sewing. But they are also readily available.

Now that spring is well underway, many horse owners are laundering winter horse blankets and storing them for several months.

Why not replace those missing or broken leg straps, so your horse blankets are ready to wear when cold weather returns?

Here are a few examples of leg straps for horse apparel:

The Mane Point: A Haven for Horse Lovers is participating in the April A to Z Blogging Challenge again this year. Stop on back, so you don’t miss a single post!

Blanketed Horses at Play
 by Oliver Dixon
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Blog series graphics created by this user

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1 comment:

  1. Hi, I'm here for the #atozchallenge. That wall sticker on the previous post is very cool!
