Take a look at these informative online articles for ideas and how-to's for masquerading with your mare, gelding, stallion, filly, or colt.
Halloween and horses: Safety comes first with horse costuming

4 extra-easy ways to costume a horse for Halloween or fun shows
Costume classes are holiday highlights at equestrian fun shows and horse barn Halloween parties, among horse lovers of all ages. Riders or in-hand walkers and their horses may win ribbons or prizes, parading around merrily in their masqueraded splendor.
What creative costume ideas might equestrians choose for these fall horse-lover events? From simple to ornate, humorous to historical and easy to elegant, horse costumes can be fun to make or purchase.
Horse Halloween costumes for humans
Horse lovers’ calendars may fill up with Halloween horse shows, fun shows, masquerade parties and trick But what if a horse lover wants to dress up as a horse?
Costuming with caution: 6 Halloween pet costume safety tips
Pet costumes can be fun and festive, but a few common-sense cautions can help keep both canines and felines safe during the trick or treating and other Halloween festivities. After all, no responsible pet owner wants to see Halloween turn into a genuine nightmare or an emergency veterinary hospital visit.
Here's a fun horse costuming video you might enjoy.
Just saw this online. Check out the variety of costumes for horse and rider, as well as the assortment of interesting musical selections. Costumes include Native Dress for breed shows, as well as parade, Halloween and fun show options.