
Get Back!

Posted for a variety of prompts:

Camera Critters
in other words” (Niels Bohr quote – cited below)
Meme Express (writer’s choice)
Slice of Life Sunday (“an error in judgment”)
Totally Optional Prompts (a humorous poem)
Wordless Wednesday’s Tuesday edition

“An expert is a person
who has made all the mistakes
that can be made
in a very narrow field. “

Niels Bohr
Nobel Prize-Winning Physician (1922)
(1885 - 1962)

Get Back!

The bell has rung;
Your recess ends.
You’re too far-flung
From kin and friends.

Behind the trees
You feign to hide,
But here with ease,
I’ll nip your pride.

Your mama calls;
It’s time to go
Back to the stalls
And end the show.

Some speak their peace:
I’ve judged a-wrong.
My expertise
And bite are strong.

So drop that tail;
Head for the aisle.
‘Though you may wail,
Your dam will smile.

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

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Far Afield

Posted for a variety of prompts:

Café Writing – Pick Three “destiny,” “plain” and “rules” and “strong”).
Camera Critters (photo)
Mad Kane (“vacation”)
One Single Impression (“rest”)

Photo Scavenger Hunt (“view”)
Simply Snickers (“sacred,” “secrets,” “self” and “scorn”)
Slice of Life Sunday ( “writer’s choice”)
Smiley Saturday (“smile”)
Sunday Scribblings (“solace”)
Wordless Wednesday’s Saturday edition

Photo c2008 by Nickers and Ink

Far Afield
A Limericked Ride ‘Cross the Countryside

Let’s go for a ride in the green,
Where destiny beckons unseen.
We’ll gallop the plain,
No rules to explain,
Vacation from daily routine.

The most sacred wonders, we share,
No scorn or remorse to beware.
Ourselves, all alone,
No deadlines or phone,
We gallop the gulch with a prayer.

The rest of the herd worries not,
We smile at the wind at a trot.
The solace we hold,
Far greater than gold,
Resides in our own secret spot.

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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Standing Still

Posted for a variety of prompts:
Odd Shot Monday ("parking")
Poetry Train

Rockin’ Chair Writers (“Tell us what’s really on your mind.”)
Simply Snickers (“standing” and “still”)
Wordless Wednesday – Saturday edition

She’s standing still,
Against her will,
Although she’d rather
Run for thrill.

Our mare of gold
Is growing old,
And yet her story
Must be told.

Her motor stirs;
No need for spurs,
She longs to run
As she prefers.

And yet, she slows
Before my “Whoa’s.”
Her energy now
Ebbs and flows.

I pray she’ll stay
Many a day
For I delight
To hear her “Neigh.”

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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What Style of Jeans Are You?

The Fashion Police have left the building . . . .

Actually, we banished those finicky folks from the barn. Still, this little survey sounded like fun. Here's what I discovered, although it's not really a news flash.

Barn girls: Try the survey yourself, if you wish. Whether you call them denims or dungarees, what style of jeans are you?

You Are Boot Cut Jeans

You're fashionable and sexy - in an understated way.

You're more about looking good than following the latest look of the week.

Related Items:

A Bit of Horse Sense
Compassion for Fashion
Fair Warning: A Poetic Tense on Style Sense
The Manatee of Vanity
Out of Gases and Sunglasses
Patching Up Torn Jeans and Pants
Style Revival
Swimwear Is Life

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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Drawing Forth

Posted for a variety of prompts: Hump Day Humor (“surprise”), Inspire Me Thursday (“healing”), Meme Express (“Reunions”), Simply Snickers (“stand” and “still”) and Slice of Life (“Writer’s Choice”).

Drawing Forth
(Thankful Lines for a Friend's Designs)

(for artme)

My playful horse inspires me, true,
But never quite as much as you.
An artful friend with gifted skill,
You raised me from the run-of-mill.

Your rearing horse, in ink and paint,
With untamed mane and no restraint,
Appeared within my box today.
“Hey, you’ve got mail!’ I heard it say.

I fairly nickered as I saw
The little equine you did draw.
And inspiration filled my heart
To view your thoughtful work of art.

This sweet surprise did heal my mind,
Which I had left three steps behind.
Thus reunited with my soul,
My thoughts stood still and became whole.

For childlike visions are the best.
Our equine dreams are fully blessed.
And as the horse lifts high his hooves,
Your act of love my spirit moves.

Related Items:

Dream of Flying

Flowerpot Fun

Give Your Horse a Hand

Great Gifts for Horse Lovers

Know Your Talents

Low Maintenance

Mural Mayhem

Pretty Is as Pretty Does

Thanks for Sharing

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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An Ace in the Roll

Posted for a variety of prompts: Manic Monday (#125, questions below), Monday Music Mambo (word associations, below), Odd Shots Monday, Poetry Train, Wordless Wednesday’s Monday edition.

An Ace in the Roll

Horseflies nipping on my back,
Irritating bug attack.
Guess I’ll give myself a scratch,
Rolling in this muddy patch.

Buckling my knees, I drop,
Then I flip without a stop.
Shimmying and shaking, wow!
Gee, I feel much better now.

For Manic Monday:

1. What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

I head for the stables then, of course,
My therapy of choice? A horse!

2. Who was your first crush?

Probably orange or grape, although it may have been Fanta, rather than Crush.

3. If given a chance to skip work for a day (without repercussions), how would you spend the entire day?

Simple! Perhaps we ought to revisit question #1 again.

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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Playing H-O-R-S-E

Posted for a variety of prompts: Heads or Tails (“anything starting with the letter ‘O’”), In Other Words (quotation, listed below), Poetry Train, Totally Optional Prompts (“tempo”).

Metaphors have a way
of holding the most truth
in the least space.
-- Orson Scott Card

(Tankas of Truth)

How we doubt His heart,
Honoring much lesser gods,
Human-bound ideals.
Horses freely lead us home,
Holding high the simplest truth.

Ordinary, not.
Obviously, Heaven-sent.
Our Creator’s gift.
Out of His own hand, they run
Off without a stumbling step.

Reason beckons us,
Rationing our deep desire,
Ruining the dream.
Regardless, we plunge onward,
Racing past delight to joy.

Somehow, promise pours,
Stimulating both of us,
Steed and humankind.
Saddle up for higher call,
Sprinting for sunset and rest.

Everything else fades,
Easing into nothingness.
Evermore, we fly.
Each outing erases doubt.
Equines confirm God’s great love.

Related Items:

Dandy Day

Fragile Finery


High Horse of Heaven

Just Arrived


Private Moments


Winning Ways

Zero to Fifty-Five

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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My Dirty Secret

Posted for a Meme Express prompt, a Simply Snickers prompt (“magnificent” and “moments”), a Heads or Tails prompt (“Share a Summertime Memory”), a Three Word Wednesday prompt (“rumor,” “shake” and “spontaneous”), a Writer’s Island prompt (“curiosity”), a Saturday Free-for-All prompt (“wasted time”), Wordless Wednesday and Poetry Train.

Photo c2008 by Nickers and Ink

My Dirty Secret

"One can never know for sure
what a deserted area looks like.

George Carlin
(1937 – 2008)

The most magnificent moments of all
And summertime memories, both great and small,
May be found in solace, as nature observes,
For these are occasions that quiet our nerves.

When rumors may shake us and make us to fret,
Spontaneous uprisings cause a cold sweat –
‘Tis then we escape to the dust and the grime,
For days in the pasture are ne’er wasted time.

So take me away from the ring and the race;
Let me escape to my own private place.
Sharing the meadow with those I adore
Rejuvenates me for what life has in store.

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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