
Choosing a Horse For a Child

Choosing a Horse for a Child
First Horse, First Love

To a young horse lover, a first horse quickly becomes a first love. How can you select the ideal match?

"Pretty is as pretty does."

Looks aren't everything, especially when you are choosing a first horse for a youngster. Matching horse to rider means finding a horse that will care for a beginning equestrian, or picking one that may provide enough challenge for an experienced one.

For the most part, a first horse needs to be quiet, experienced, and forgiving. Sure, it's nice to have a pretty horse in the right color. A cute name is appealing, too. But the main thing is safety, particularly where younger riders are concerned.

How can you find this dream horse?

If your child has already qualified for the upper-level classes in the North American Young Riders competition, then a young, green (untrained and inexperienced) horse may be alright. In other cases, you may be better off selecting a seasoned and dependable older equine.

How can you select the best first horse for a child you love? Here are a few simple guidelines:

1. Green Plus Green Equals Black-and-Blue.
2. A Pony Is Not Just a Little Horse.
3. Discipline Matters.
4. Ask a Trainer.
5. Check Online.

Nearly nothing is more memorable than a first horse. Choose carefully, and you won't be disappointed.

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