
Sincere Sympathy

Sincere Sympathy -
to family and friends of Wayde Hamar, Little Britches Rodeo Rider

The Mane Point sends prayers and condolences for the grieving family and friends of young Richard Wayde Hamar of Yuma, Colorado.

Twelve-year-old Wayde Hamar was killed on Sunday, June 28, 2009, in an accident at the Little Britches Rodeo at the Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont, Colorado.

Wayde Hamar, a junior bull riding competitor, was stomped by a 1,200-pound bull after being bucked off during the event, sponsored by the Longmont Elks (Colorado Elks Lodge 1055) and the National Little Britches Rodeo Association.

The bull stepped on Wayde Hamar's chest, rupturing the left ventricle of his heart, as his parents (Angie and Mitch Hamar), his brother (Zach Hamar) and others watched in shock.

Emergency personnel on the spot attempted to revive the boy, as rodeo clowns intercepted the raging bull.

What a sad day. May God comfort the Hamar family at this time.

According to National Little Britches Rodeo Association staffers, young Wayde Hamar was wearing a mouth guard, safety vest and bull riding helmet when the tragedy occurred.

A fund has been set up for the Hamar family. CTRL-click here for information about donating to the Wayde Hamar Memorial Fund.

Wayde Hamar
Photo courtesy of Denver Channel 7 News


S.O.S. for Starved Horses

Our horse-loving friends at Saddlebred Rescue, Inc., have put out this plea for assistance with the starved horses that were recently picked up by local authorities in Harrodsburg, Kentucky.

Please CTRL-click on the image for additional information on how to donate towards bales of hay, bags of equine feed and other needed equine care supplies for these recently rescued horses. Of course, all donations are tax-deductible, as allowed by U.S. law.


Website Design Raffle

Website Design Raffle

Win a brand-new website design for $20!

Need a flashy new website design for your equine insurance or marketing business, equestrian training blog, farrier business, horse breeding or training stables, saddle and tack shop or other company? Here’s a way you might win a brand-new website design, saving thousands of web design dollars, while supporting a most worthy cause (and some folks who happen to be personal friends of The Mane Point).

Equiflair Design has offered a complete website design, through a raffle to benefit Saddlebred Rescue, Inc. The web design package will include a flash introduction, ten internal pages and ten additional updates. The site owner will be responsible for purchasing the domain and hosting.

Check out these equine website examples, created by Meghan Belser of Equiflair Design in Long Island, New York. (Local Equine Services is co-sponsor of the raffle.)

Raffle tickets are $20 each (or six for $100). The drawing will be held on the first of December, with the winner notified by mail. Tickets may be purchased at various horse shows and expositions, as well as directly through Saddlebred Rescue, Inc.

“This is a great opportunity to jump-start your business and help the Treasures of Saddlebred Rescue,” said Pat Johnson, executive director of Saddlebred Rescue, Inc., a national equine rescue and adoption organization based in New Jersey.

For more information, visit Saddlebred Rescue, Inc., online, call Sarah Liebert Garner (502/744-5190) or send an email directly to fundraising@saddlebredrescue.com.

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts. Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink. Throughout 2009, please join us at The Heart of a Ready Writer, a Bible reading and devotional blog, as we read through the entire Bible in chronological order.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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Precious Persistence in the Pasture

Precious Persistence in the Pasture

Caring Completely

Coming into her own private sunset after majestic moments,

A mistress magnificent of the mossy meadow,

Red and royal beauty in the patchwork posse of the back pasture –

Instead of groaning in the grass or strolling off to solitude,

Never complaining, the majestic mom

Guards with her heart the younger members all around.

Photo c2009 by Nickers and Ink

All rights reserved.

Posted for a variety of prompts:

Acrostics Only (“caring”)

Easy Street Prompts (“the other woman”)

Friday Flash-55 (55 words)

Photo prompts:

Camera Critters (photo/s)

Odd Shots (photo/s – odd shots)

Scenic Sunday (photo/s)

Sunday Stills (photo/s)

Thursday Challenge (photo/s – “old”)

Weekend Snapshot (photo/s)

Wordless Wednesday (photo/s)

Love poetry? Check out Simply Snickers, a brand-new weekly poetry prompt. Try your hand with weekly prompts! Or, look into The Meme Express for daily blogging prompts.

Click here to visit Linda Ann Nickerson’s poetry and humor blog, Nickers and Ink.

Throughout 2009, please join us at The Heart of a Ready Writer, a Bible reading and devotional blog, as we read through the entire Bible in chronological order.

Click here to subscribe to an RSS feed for this writer's helpful Helium content. If you wish, click here for a free subscription to this author's online AC content, so you won't miss a single post!

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Great Outdoors Month

5 Great Outdoor Equestrian Activities for Great Outdoors Month 2009

Did you know . . . June is Great Outdoors Month throughout the United States, especially for horse lovers?

Summer is surely coming, and horseback riders everywhere are heading outside to play. With the arrival of June, everyone heads for the great outdoors, particularly equestrians and our favorite equine partners. It's time to hit the trails, head for the outdoor arena, play in the pasture and otherwise be outside with our horses.

How will you spend Great Outdoors Month this year? CTRL-click here for some super outdoor equestrian pursuits. Check out 5 Great Outdoor Equestrian Activities for Great Outdoors Month 2009.