to family and friends of Wayde Hamar, Little Britches Rodeo Rider

Twelve-year-old Wayde Hamar was killed on Sunday, June 28, 2009, in an accident at the Little Britches Rodeo at the Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont, Colorado.

Wayde Hamar, a junior bull riding competitor, was stomped by a 1,200-pound bull after being bucked off during the event, sponsored by the Longmont Elks (Colorado Elks Lodge 1055) and the National Little Britches Rodeo Association.
The bull stepped on Wayde Hamar's chest, rupturing the left ventricle of his heart, as his parents (Angie and Mitch Hamar), his brother (Zach Hamar) and others watched in shock.
Emergency personnel on the spot attempted to revive the boy, as rodeo clowns intercepted the raging bull.
What a sad day. May God comfort the Hamar family at this time.
According to National Little Britches Rodeo Association staffers, young Wayde Hamar was wearing a mouth guard, safety vest and bull riding helmet when the tragedy occurred.
A fund has been set up for the Hamar family. CTRL-click here for information about donating to the Wayde Hamar Memorial Fund.