
A is for Audience - Turf-y's A-Z Rules of Horsemanship

Audience determines behavior, when it comes to horses. The more folks that are watching, the more a horse will misbehave.

It’s amazing.

If anything can go awry … well, you know.

The Mane Point is participating again in the April A to Z blogging challenge, posting daily with alphabetical entries.

For this year's A-Z event, a month of posts will offer Turfy’s A-Z Rules of Horsemanship, with all due apologies to the original Murphy of Murphy's Law, which basically said, "If anything can go wrong, it probably will."

Horse lovers may have heard some of these uncannily true, yet often ironic, statements in various forms in the past. Or not.
Grey Horse Leaping
by Eduardo Amorim  - PhotoPin
Turfy’s A-Z Rules of Horsemanship
Adapted from public domain clipart

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  1. That's certainly an interesting fact! I wonder why they misbehave though!

    Found through the A-Z list,
    Victoria from Always a Booklover

  2. Children are the same way sometimes :-)

    Linda, I think you might be the Queen of A to Z! Great topics!

  3. I like that horses are like children in that the more people watching the more they act out.

    Love it.
