Z is for Zipping Up
for a Zigzag in the Zoup.
Zedonk may be a cross between a zebra and a donkey, but it’s
also the sound you make soon after climbing upon a horse in a spiffy new pair
of leather full-seat breeches or custom chaps on a muddy day.
Zoom. And zplat.
And that’s the end of those stylish riding clothes. Bet ya feel like a zadonk now!
The Mane Point is participating
again in the April A to Z blogging challenge, posting daily with alphabetical
For this year's A-Z event, a
month of posts will offer Turfy’s A-Z
Rules of Horsemanship, with all due apologies to the original Murphy of
Murphy’s Law, which basically said,
"If anything can go wrong, it probably will."
Horse lovers may have heard some
of these uncannily true, yet often ironic, statements in various forms in the
past. Or not.
Western flair
Smithsonian Institute vintage photo
public domain
Turfy’s A-Z Rules of
Adapted from public domain
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